Monday, March 1, 2010

Surviving the Test of Time

In 1941 Bultmann launched his Manifesto, The New Testament and Mythology, in which he explained that the New testament world of spirits and miracles had become decidedly foreign to the modern scientists and technologists who were in control of themselves and of the world.
If this was true then, it is even truer now.

The dotcom generation, the age of gadgets and wiki where you can find an answer to all life mysteries does not seek the truth in the Bible. Does this mean that religion is slowly dying? Will the next generation know anything about the Old Testament and the New Testament? If they do know anything of the word, will the word be of any significance?

Can religion stand the test of time “as it is” or will it adapt to the changes in society?

If this generation does not read the Bible will it end up following wrong disciples?

Ricoeur said: “What we have here is a circle: to understand the text, I must believe what the text imparts; but what the text imparts to me is given nowhere else save in the text: that is why it is necessary to understand the text.”

So this begs the question: how many of us actually read the word for ourselves? With all the false prophets out there why do we allow them to interpret the text for us while we can do it for ourselves?

In Kenya we have seen Pastor Deya, Brother Paul Patni, Hellon etc who have obviously misled people; but I those who were misled allowed themselves to be misled.
We have been given the ability to think for ourselves and read and reason for ourselves; so why allow someone else define your relationship with your Maker?

So can religion is we know it, or as it was known by our parents survive the test of time or will it be kidnapped by self-serving, false prophets? Does religion serve a crucial role in our lives for us to defend it?


  1. You are good and i like your perception. its quite interesting what am reading on your blog

  2. Hi, and thank you...what is your you think religion will transform with the times or remain the same?
