Monday, March 21, 2011

Cellphone tower in your hand

I usually do not blog about technology but reading about Alcatel-Lucent's latest gadget made me want to share it.

It called LightRadio.
Its a cube that can fit in your hand however its strength is phenomenon!
This little cube serves the same purpose as those huge eye sores called cell phone towers.
Voice & data usage is expected to increase all over the world. The cost of improving communication infrastructure is high and prohibitive.
With this gadget, voice & data can be improved tremendously without the high cost of cumbersome infrastructure.

The cube is so smart that it can "be pointed in one direction as people are coming to work in the morning and another direction as they're leaving work at the end of the day."
It is also compatible with 2G, 3G and 4G.
It is 30% more efficient than the current cell towers.
It does not consume diesel or consist alot of metal that might be vandalized.
Its small enough to be attached to a lamp post, bus station, building etc without anyone knowing its there.

This is a great solution for communication companies everywhere (big cities such as NY as well as Moyale).
Amazing that all the celltower components can be compressed to fit into a cube.
Yah for technology!

For more on this story visit:

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