Thursday, June 9, 2011

Belonging to the State

I was webblogging and found this blog:
The blogger has some deep pieces but my favorite and most thought provoking is on how we have allowed the state to infiltrate our privacy in the name is security.
In his piece
the blogger humourously, but truthfully notes how we leave our fingerprints, nude shots and photos at the airport and how some people in the future will marvel at our porn.
This got me thinking; we have allowed our identity, our bodies and our privacy to be exposed without any resistance at all. Any time the state decides to increase security measures, we go along with them without protest or hesitation.

Is there a limit that will cause us to say enough is enough or are we willing to do everything and anything asked in the name of security?
Do you feel safer while travelling just because everyone is made to strip?

Are we entitled to privacy or do we allow the state to own our identity, our movement etc?

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