I was reading CNN about the Taiwanese fishing vessel that was released by Somali Pirates after 10 months of capture. (http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/africa/02/11/somalia.ship.release/index.html)
The Taiwanese vessel had a crew of 28. These guys were provided with food and drink for all that period.
Upon release they were sent away with enough food, water and fuel for the whole journey home.
This made me think...Can't all captured vessels adapt a no-negotiating policy with the pirates?
Is there a reason why a country or company is willing to pay millions of dollars?
For a list of all captured vessels off the coast of Somali use this link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ships_attacked_by_Somali_pirates)
"According to the Kenyan foreign minister, Somali Falla have received over US$150 million in ransom during the 12 months prior to November 2008."
Some may argue that the safety of the crew is what these companies are paying for
Others may say that the cargo carried is worth more
Others may say that the vessel is worth the ransom since it generates lots of revenue.
But what if all countries and all companies decided that they will not negotiate with these sea terrorists?
Do you think the piracy would reduce or the pirates would become more brutal towards the captured crew members?
have you say....
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