Thursday, January 29, 2009

Reinvent yourself

In my athletic days I remember my coach giving us simple but very important advise.
He was tired of players not thinking first.
He called us in a huddle and picked up a tennis ball. He asked one of the players to throw the tennis ball. The player was asked to do this four times. Every time the player produced the same results. The coach finished the demonstration by asking the player to turn around and then throw with his other hand. Needless to say, the results were very different.
The same thing maybe happening in your career life. You have constrained yourself in unnecessary job sectors. No one said that a pilot can not be a HR manager in a flower farm, or a stockbroker becomes a masseuse.

The only boundaries are the ones that we set ourselves.
I want to challenge you to find a career that really fascinates you. Do your research about that career (possible employers, possible positions, contacts you may know who are in that sector, where to begin if you want to enter that sector, possibility of starting your own company in that sector etc.)
I guarantee you that you will be a much happier person.

What you are going to be tomorrow, you are becoming today

So if you are not happy with the person that you are right now, REINVEST YOURSELF

Need help reinventing yourself?
Do not hesitate to give me a shout

Hoseah Njuguna


  1. Very useful tips you have here. Will certainly visit more often. Thanks.

  2. Thanx Shiko,
    I also liked your blog
