Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Success part II

If someone asks you what success is you will most likely say:
"success is finding a career you enjoy where you can move up, and working your way to the top of the organization." That means success to you is a definition, a place you tried your best to reach, but whose achievement depended on a lot of factors outside your control: circumstances, office politics, opportunities, and luck. It is a place that you hope to reach someday, though only a few ever do.
Getting that position and moving up the ladders is nice and all, however you need to start looking at life differently. Think of all the accomplishments that you have achieved so far: getting through primary, secondary and most likely University; you also have a bunch of friends etc. All of these as success stories, and unless you learn to appreciate those milestones, then you will never feel content no matter the achievement.
You have to look at life as a journey---a journey that involves interaction with others, disappointments, appreciation, opportunities, and growth.
Each day is an opportunity to grow in pursuit of reaching your potential.
Stop comparing yourself with others and start living your life.
You are successful; and employers are looking for people who will assist the organization become successful.
There is no way that you will assist any organization to be successful if you do not see yourself as a successful individual.
So start living and stop waiting for that dreamjob to come so that you can start enjoying life.
all the best.